It all started with a simple message, "Look up."
This story is accurate as I remember. I do not know if I was supposed to remember and I cannot explain how or why I am remembering this now. Most of the memories are a little hazy but as you may know, once you start to remember pieces of a dream more and more starts flooding back. The interesting thing about this, is that it is no dream. All that I really do know without a doubt is the we are truly not alone.
It was an early summer morning around 3am as I was driving north on I-95 near Bangor, Maine. Heading home after a late shift at the mill, I opened the window to let some of the crisp summer air in the car. The sky was very clear and you could see just about the entire milky way. The road was quiet, no other cars but my own. I love having the road to myself its very peaceful and surreal at the same time. Unfortunately, I am also feeling the urge to use the bathroom and I am not sure this can wait until I get home.
There is a sign that directs me to a rest stop just before you enter Bangor proper. It's as good as a place to stop as it gets, I guess. Just before I enter the rest area the radio starts to phase in and out of reception. Static, clear, Static....clear, then one more time Static......... Then nothing complete silence. I took no regard of this, it's not uncommon in this area for the radio to kick out. So I continue on to the parking area and pull in. Quiet here as well, I am the only one here. It's a typical rest stop only difference I noticed was this one light in the parking area blinking uncontrollably as if its going out or something.
I run in real quick to take care of my business. The smell of rest stops is never really unpleasant. It's just the smell of being out on the road mixed with bleach from a clean 3am rest area. After leaving the bathroom I begin to head back out to the parking area. As I am approaching the exit doors through the glass I see this bright flash that pretty much illuminated the whole area for an instance. And then it was gone. Ok, at this point I am starting to think this is a pretty strange morning already. I stand outside my car and glance up at the sky, such a beautiful night sky. Nothing but stars as far as the eye can see and it's clearly being interrupted by this damned blinking parking lot light. I have the strangest feeling I am being followed.
I get in the car and turn the key. As the engine starts back up the radio begins squealing a very high pitch tone loud enough to startle and deafen me at the same time. Annoyed and confused about all the static this evening I change through all the stations. Everyone is the same, white noise static. Erie. As I begin to pull out a voice appeared over the static, it was very hard to make out and it sounded almost robotic. I am still in the parking spot getting more and more intrigued by this late night radio debacle. Static continues and the voices come back. This time I can clearly hear it. It said, "look up."
Now, I do not know if you ever been out at 3am but the series of events that just happened was enough to put chills up my arms. Static continues and then it starts to fade to silence and then silence. As I sit there a few seconds have passed with the silence and then with an abrupt and very loud screech the radio kicks back on as normal and I swear I must have hit my head on the ceiling of the car. It scared the shit out of me. At this point I compose my self and get my wits about me, take a sip of cold coffee and head out. "look up? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" There is nothing there, nothing but sky.
As I am heading further north on 95 towards Howland, I notice the sky starting to fade in to morning. It is very beautiful this time of year. It is about 3:30 am now and all seems back to normal. a few cars starting to appear on the highway but pretty much still barren. As I am approaching the exit the radio begins to screech to static again. This time it says "Stop!" in a very demanding robotic and staticky voice. Very startled and unnerved at this point, I take the exit and head left off the exit. This being a high trucker traffic road I pull off to the left where there seems to be a dirt path to a clearing. Something inside told me to pull over to this area and I can't really explain what it was or why. It appears to be cleared land from the loggers maybe. Still very dark out here though.
I am still in my car at this point and again the static says, "Look up." A voice inside my head starts to emulate the voice on the radio. "You must look up." Irritated, I get out of the car and look up. I stare at the sky looking at all the stars, smelling the air, composing myself. Then I notice one of the stars starting to move. It gets brighter and brighter, and then I notice it's not getting brighter it's getting closer and closer. The speed in which it approaches is baffling and impossible if you ask me. But it is getting closer. Everything in my body is telling me to get the Hell out of here but at the same time I am unable to move. I am in awe of what I am looking at right now. It appears to be a vessel of some sort. The radio static becomes more constant white noise. I look down at the radio. 3:45. Then the vehicle loses all power and then complete silence.
The vessel appears to be approaching my position pretty rapidly now. A little to fast. "We are coming to you," a voice says. The vessel seems to be approaching so fast that I begin to take a knee to the dirt. At that moment the vessel stopped abruptly about 50 feet above my head which made a very loud "Boom!" The dirt around the vicinity vortexed outward in a huge plume of dust. It was a very dramatic and startling incident. As the dust started to settle, I stood back up and looked straight up at the vessel. Silence, again nothing but silence. Nothing but a slight hum that reverberated throughout my body.
The vessel was quite large and circular. I couldn't really tell you the size but from where I was standing it seemed to encompass the whole sky. It appeared to be metallic, a very pure aluminum color with several coordinated lights around the outer edges, No signs of any seams or rivets. Clearly not man made. There was a single large blue light at the center. It pulsates in a very mesmerizing way. I cannot help but to stare at it in complete awe. I am very frightened at this point and my heart is racing like a horse. I hear a voice inside me again. "Relax, just breath."
Oh, I am breathing alright, deeply and fast. "Just breath." I take a deep breath and feel the fresh clean crisp summer air enter my lungs and I begin to calm down. In fact I become so calm that it almost feels like a sort of bliss. The breeze slightly surrounds my body along with a bright blue hue from the center light of the vessel. "We want to show you," it says. I only say "It," because I do not know what else to call them. They continue to talk to me. "Stand still, do not move and just breath, you will be fine." Do not ask me how they or it understand English or any of our languages. That is something I just do not understand. But this was not audible verbal talking. They were speaking to me through me if that makes any sense.
I am standing completely still, the breeze is surrounding me is warm. The hair begins to stand up on my arms and neck. I am breathing steadily and my heart starts to beat normally. I feel comfortable. At peace. And then at that moment the light around me gets so bright that it is unbearable for me to look at it. I close my eyes take one deep breath. And then They took me.......